The Wrath of Pong

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Car Racing POVs

I love racing simulators. Gran Turismo being my favorite (the first two screenshots are taken from that game). Don't try to explain why Project Gotham Racing or Forza is better. They aren't. And the 360 version of PGR is a massive graphical disappointment even while still being a quality racer. GTR2 looks very promising as a serious competitor, though.

Anyway (please kindly note the lack of an "s" at the end of that word), when I hop into one of these games and get onto the track, I always select the "behind the car" view that lets me see the car in action. Like this (I'm the blue car):

I mean, why would I, as a car enthusiast, opt not to see the kick-tail car I'm driving? What's the point of getting a color you like, etc., if you're just going to look through the windshield? I'm pretty sure I'm (strangely) the exception to this, as, from what I've heard, most gamers find it easier to drive using this view:

That's as good a reason as any for opting not to look at your sweet-blingin' car, I'll allow. I've tried it and I actually find it easier to drive with my choice, so I'm lucky all around, I suppose.

However, I would be more inclined to change to different views if they offered any options that were exciting. None of the others are, in my opinion. Usually, the only other option is the dash option (seen just above) with a view of the hood of the car thrown in for some kind of realism, I imagine.

What I want to know is, how in the world have we not seen a camera option like this:

This rocks. You want to talk about immersion? This has loads of potential for that that the other "dash" views do not. You get to see "yourself" shifting through the gears, steering wheel movement, plus some sweet interior detail of whatever creamy car you've chosen -- BMW M5, Lotus Elise, Ford GT, whatever.

I'd definitely have to try this one on if a game offered it (uh, a game I'd want to play in the first place, that is: I'm not going to play a crap game just to get this view). Car racing simulator designers, please, please, please, wake up and do a little more field work. You guys do a fantastic job as it is, but there are still some no-brainers missing from the games. This is one of them.


Blogger HRPuffnStuff said...

Hi Chris, your brother Roger here. I see you really enjoy the GT2 graphics for the PS2. So I was wondering if you have bought or are you planning to purchase the PS3 and then get Vision Gran Turismo ? I am not certain if it is GT4 or GT5. I am guessing GT5. At any rate, there is a video clip of Vision here:

I had seen video of the game last year while watching the G4 channel. G4 used to be a gaming channel. Which they are more or less presently but they have cut back on a number of gaming programs which I really enjoyed. Anyway, G4 attends the annual E3, Electronic Entertainment Expo. By the way, G4 will be at E3 this year and will be broadcasting their shows from the expo starting next Tuesday, July 11th if you wanted to watch them.

But getting back to GT. The graphics will blow you out of the water when you see videos of Vision. I was really impressed when I saw them. So if you were wowed with GT2 you will definitely be even more so with GT Vision.

9:20 AM  

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