The Wrath of Pong

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spore: breaking the mold

More brilliance from the Einstein-like questioning mind of Will Wright. This appears to have been presented at a Game Developers/Designers Conference (to explain his comment about the group for which he says he has such affinity)

If there were no such things as video games (well, honestly, he'd probably invent them), he'd probably be a kick-tail anthropologist.

I haven't actually played any of his games, but I have a lot of respect and admiration for his intellect and ingenuity. Even if the game doesn't impress you all that much, I think you will find it mentally stimulating to listen to him talk about the industry and the things he and his team observed in it that brought about Spore.

As far as Spore goes, if you ever thougth video games were a ain't seen nothin' yet.


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